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Скоро в эфире:

Steve Hackett

Сад расходящихся тропок. Эфир от 28.03.2011 г. Макс Климов

01. Clocks — The Angel Of Mons (from «Spectral Mornings» 1979)
02. Harlequin (from Genesis’ «Nursery Crime» 1971)
03. Horizons (from Genesis’ «Foxtrot» 1972)
04. Shadow Of The Hierophant (from «Voyage Of The Acolyte» 1975)
05. Kim (from «Please Don’t Touch» 1978)
06. Spectral Mornings (from «Spectral Mornings» 1979)
07. The Silk Road (from «To Watch The Storms» 2003)
08. Come Away (from «To Watch The Storms» 2003)
09. Notre Dame des Fleurs (from «Feedback» 1986)
10. Frozen Statues (from «To Watch The Storm» 2003)
11. Gnossienne No.3 (from «Sketches of Satie» 2000)

01. Clocks — The Angel Of Mons (from «Spectral Mornings» 1979)
02. Harlequin (from Genesis’ «Nursery Crime» 1971)
03. Horizons (from Genesis’ «Foxtrot» 1972)
04. Shadow Of The Hierophant (from «Voyage Of The Acolyte» 1975)
05. Kim (from «Please Don’t Touch» 1978)
06. Spectral Mornings (from «Spectral Mornings» 1979)
07. The Silk Road (from «To Watch The Storms» 2003)
08. Come Away (from «To Watch The Storms» 2003)
09. Notre Dame des Fleurs (from «Feedback» 1986)
10. Frozen Statues (from «To Watch The Storm» 2003)
11. Gnossienne No.3 (from «Sketches of Satie» 2000)

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